Having amassed a great deal of books over the years on
the skills and different methods of "survival", plus practicing the
skills for years, it seems to me we have lost the idea of being in the
wild. Concentrating on survival as dictated to us by our "leaders" in
the survival world. What happened to going out and learning about the wild life
& the plants? Planted in the back of our minds, oh my god, what
if this bad thing happens. I don’t have the right knife or the right clothes, I
will die on this spot. Hell, when I was a kid we didn’t even think about those
things, we had water and some food with us that was it. Keeping things simple
is the key, you want to enjoy the outdoors, not be
afraid with every step you
take. If you have done a bit of basic homework like; shelter building and lighting a fire, you are good. Think back how many times have you really been
lost. Really lost is a little unsettling, but in today’s world there are homing
devices that call in for you and bam rescue is
Now I might be off my rocker, some think so, but I think it’s
time to relax about being out in the wild blue yonder, a few basic preps should
do you just fine. Practice the skills so they are second nature ... if you are
just starting out, keep your trips short and quiet. It is not a contest, learn
the wild life, the plants and what they can do for you. Study the best right now
shelters to crawl into no matter where you are on the trail.. I like to take my
time and study what is around me. Well to be honest at this point in my life I
have to take my time, I’m just not in the hurry most seem to be in.. Enjoy your
surroundings and sun on your face. In a another article I talked about the use
of plastics, at one time I would have rejected the idea. Right damn now,
however I have found
many interesting ways to use this world of plastic. It
works for me and might work for you as well. I am still experimenting and
finding ways to use these items.
The idea that going into the wild is only about survival, is
crap, going into the wild should be about the joy and wonder of nature, not
that a bad thing will happen. I don’t mean to be all Pollyanna about it but at
almost 80 years old and having behind me more time on trails than most of
you are old, the times I have been in a survival situation are less than the
fingers on one hand. You can even chop a few of those off and still it doesn’t
amount to squat. Oh I know we can point out some really dumb moves by folks but
I’m betting most of you are at least above the bonehead level. Good old
common sense needs a comeback. The thing to remember is the products being
touted by some expert are being made to sell to you out of fear. Sure some are
really good but most will never be needed or used. Go out and have
fun be not
afraid! Contrary to some who are making a buck off of your fears that they seem
to delight in. In most parts of the USA you can find classes given by
instructors who are not all caught up in gear and gizmos. Useless crap
soon finds its way to the trash if you caught up in the fear, try not to be
that guy, we all make mistakes. That’s the learning curve, but being in the
wild is not rocket science, it is where we came from. Be with it, the
plants, the trees and the rocks are all living. Talk to them and get to know
them, I think you will like what you find.
Dude McLean