Thursday, May 21, 2015

Be Prepared and Have Cash On Hand

Be Prepared and Have Cash On Hand
In case of an emergency, having cash on hand is a prudent move.
One of the more common instances where having cash on hand is beneficial is a power outage. Without power no bank will be able to operate and credit cards wont work. If you need to buy supplies, you will need cash.
Right now we are in the midst of some major solar storms that could affect the grid in places, even the whole country. Having cash will be the answer for many things. On a local scale, an earthquake could take out power where you live. Having a cash reserve could be the tool for buying supplies you find you need to get you and your family through the emergency.
You can dream up any number of things that could create the need for fast cash. The problem most have with cash is they have a “blank” of where to hide it. A safe place that wont be discovered with a break in, safe from prying eyes. A safe deposit box is is not a good place if you need access right now today. There is also a thing called a “bank holiday”, meaning the fed can shut down the banks for some reason they think is a threat, such as run on money, etc.
Lets look at a few places to hide your cash. roll up some bills in a tight roll and place it in an aspirin bottle. It’s in plain sight, but not likely a place some bad guy would look. Place cash in a baggie and tape to the bottom of a cat litter box. Bury your money in a glass jar in the yard. A good trick is to glue the top of the lid to a rock and then bury the jar portion with just the random rock showing . This can be in a flower bed or where ever you chose. Slip some bills in a DVD case, along with the other DVD cases. Place money in a baggie and bury it in a bag of flour. A box of tampons or kotex works well too. Your vacuum has a bag use it to hide your money in a baggie. Some indoor doors work well, drill a hole in the top of the door , a small bottle with your rolled up cash is safe there. If you have a basement you have a lot of pipes. Affix a fake pipe that does nothing but looks like it is a part of the maze, place your cash in a baggie inside the fake pipe. Some types of curtain rods work well also, if they are large enough. Store your lettuce inside a head of lettuce, the bottom snaps off easily a baggie with your cash in it in the hole, you may have to carve it out a bit, plug it back up . You will have to change out the lettuce about once a week. It’s best to not hide anything under your mattress or under a toilet lid, too common. I know some like to hide cash in their car or truck. I have mixed feelings about that idea. Seems like a good deal, unless your car gets stolen, or maybe you have a beater that no one would want to steal. Never put all your cash in one place a few places are best.
I always have what I call “bait” money placed in a desk or a in the drawer of your night stand, 50 to a 100 bucks that is easy to find , and hey they found something. I am sure you may have some unique ideas of your own as to where to hide some instant cash.
You never know when you will have a surprise expense, so it’s best to have some cash at the ready. My suggestion, if possible, have at least one to two weeks of living expenses on hand in your hidey hole.

Good luck to you. Be ready, be prepared, have some instant cash on hand.

1 comment:

  1. I know that at times this not possible for everyone but try to have as much as you can even if you have to use it between paydays

