Sunday, May 24, 2015

” PAPER” Products, and Survival

” PAPER” Products, and Survival
Paper is something we take for granted.
Paper serves us in many ways.
We used to write a lot of letters.
 Computers were going to eliminate the use of a lot of paper, we know how that turned out. However, the paper products I’m talking about have to do with eating. In an emergency , a loss of water from an earthquake, flood, (no pun) , or name the reason , water becomes very scarce, hard to get and must be conserved. One of the ways to conserve water is by using paper products to eat with, and for drinks. Not a big deal? sure it is. If you have a family of four, you will dirty at least 4 dishes, and 4 cups per meal. That comes to 12 times a day.  Not counting the pots, pans, and whatever else you use to cook with. They will need cleaning. How much water does it, or will it take, to clean, and rinse all of those items per day?
A gallon of water per day per person is the minimum you should have stored for each person. That would include drinking and personal washing/cleaning. Not much really. Also depending on the heat factor, you might need all that water just for drinking, not to mention what you may need to cook.
Paper plates, bowls, cups, and plastic spoons, forks, knives,  should be added to the list.
These items if stored away could , at the least, help perserve your water supply, water is saved for the other needs.
 The cost will depend on how much you want to store and the room you have to store these paper products. And the plastic forks and spoons.
Some might look at this as an extreme for a survival situation. Water is no joke, and the extreme would be the waste of water.
 Paper plates, for 165 plates is about 10 bucks at Sams Club. So buy two packages and you have over 300 plates.
Paper cups that will hold hot or cold drinks , if you can spare the water, a 9oz size , 360 cups runs about 10 bucks. Paper bowls , a count of 300 costs about 10 bucks. Dont forget napkins, a discount store for a thousand cost is about 6 bucks.
The saving of water by not having to wash and rinse dishes, cups, bowls, etc, could be a gallon or more a day.
  I know not many of you have ever been in a situation where water is treated with such care. Many have most likely seen films where the water is treated like gold. For many it might be hard to really relate. Please believe me that when and if you ever find yourselves in such a position you will treat every drop like your life depends on it and it does.
 I feel the paper investment is well worth it. Not hard to do. Most could buy the products in one visit to the store, if not, break it up into 4 trips over a month or 2.
 The cool thing is these products will last for years. Paper products will do nothing except go higher in price in the future years. Plus you get to have paper to start your fire with, and burn whatever the garbage is. And do not forget the large box of trash bags.
Yea for paper dishes… Food for thought, add no water

By Dude McLean, on June 22nd, 2011

1 comment:

  1. I have never seen an article about this subject so wrote this article..

