Thursday, June 11, 2015

Creating the Average Joe Look

We have had a few articles on this subject in the past. Here are some more thoughts.
I think one is better off to seem to be less than what you are. Leave the tough guy image at home and undercover.
Most are perceived by how they dress and even the way they carry themselves. If you get the tough guy stare down, most of us would meet it with the same look, we don’t need to do that, nothing to prove, really. Sometimes these scum have buddies to back them up and are just looking for a sucker.
No one likes to be intimidated and it is not something that most of us would tolerate, but if you do not place yourself square in the middle, it will pass right over you. If you wear easy loose clothing it hides all kinds of things, physical shape for one, a few weapons of choice tucked in the right places for easy access if needed for another. The weapons are a last resort in most cases. Always try to exit first.
The t-shirt with messages on them suggesting you are one of the bad asses is no help. Camo is the norm at a gun show, as an example, so common as to not be noticed; That is blending in at the right place. I know we like to feel good when out and about, but try and use common items. Jeans and a light jacket, in most places, is not screaming that you are a bad ass. Be weary of ball caps that have some logo like a gun or has something. Not saying you should be ashamed of whatever the hat is yelling out about, just try to choose when and where.
A good tactic is make it so they underestimate you, look at you and see nothing but another guy, but don’t look like a chump. It is a fine line but something to work on. Looking to be less than what you really are is a balance each of us has to work out. Avoid getting a paranoid over the whole idea. For most of us, nothing will never happen, but when the fickle finger of fate points at you, it just might pass you over as no threat, but when the enemy scum underestimates you, you are already several strides ahead of them. Surprise is your best friend. Looking frumpy or square works well.
Oh my gawd that yuppie just whipped the crap out of us or some such. Or that Mr. Grey Man sure did us. Average Joe aint so average, eh?
If you have to whip out a can of whoop ass it will come as a total mindblower to the bullyscum. By downplaying the clothing and attitude, you will seem much less than what you are or can be. Always keep in mind exit if possible. The Average Joe look can get you out of a lot of potential crap, including dealing with the law. Exit as fast as you can, even to the point of running away. Avoidance is the winner.
Another thing for many is getting older. And showing a bit more gray can make you a target Do not be in denial about how young you think you are, because to a 20 year old and teens you are an old man. Things are getting more violent in our streets
All of us should practice being aware as you get in and out of our cars. Next time you are in a parking lot, look around at how most are focused on the packages they are loading and not into their cars and surroundings.
Always try to stay alert to your surroundings. Be aware of some car following you home to jump your butt, as you park in your own driveway or garage. It could happen no matter where you live. By downplaying your dress and attitude you can miss out on a lot of things, including fights, shootings, knife fights, beatings and pain. Take a coffee shop you’re at, for instance. bad guys enter and look around. If you just meld into the booth like everyone else, they pass you over, but if you have that attitude and clothing and look like a man action, you could be the first target…Blend and if need be, be the surprise.
Seeming to be less than you are, is the best camo.
By Dude McLean

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  1. looking not as a threat is camo of its own..


  2. Pays not to look too much like bait too. ;)

  3. thats right Dave , a fine line for sure

