Thursday, June 11, 2015

Is the Book Worthy?

Over the course of the last several months I’ve read statements by some very knowledgeable folks that if a book is self published it most likely is not very good. Why? Because a “book publisher” most likely did not find it worthy to publish. I think at one time that may have had some truth to it but the internet has changed that thinking in my view.
Who made the publisher king? Sure perhaps they didn't get it , not their cup of tea, or they already have several books on the subject. The bottom line is they can only handle so many titles anyway. It may have been too expensive to print etc.. or whatever the many reasons are. Perhaps the writer did not pitch the book in the right format.
So the next logical move is to self publish. In the past, I have read many self published books and yes some were not so good and truly self-indulgent. However, we also have the pleasure of many self-published books that are remarkable.
“Unintended Consequences” by John Ross, was first a book on the net then at long last found a traditional publisher. The book is a hit, first on the net then at gun shows, then in the traditional market place. But, it was self-published. first. The Don Paul books were self published. John And Gerry MacPherson’s book “Naked into the Wilderness”, were self published and enriched all of us. The Joel Skousen books are self published. His, ” Strategic Relocation”, was and still is an eye opener, and has helped many people. Closer to home, Christopher Nyerges has self published many books, as well as having the pleasure of a traditional publisher. Speaking of closer to home, Paul Campbell has self published two of his 3 books, by choice, and enjoys distribution of those books. His “Earth Pigments and Paint of California Indians”, and “The Universal Tool Kit” are nothing less than brilliant. Steve and Susan Gregersen have written together and individually many informative books. most are self published. They have done well. The book, ‘Hammock Camping”, by Ed Speer, was self published. I do believe he has picked up a publisher at this point. One of the best books I have found on hunting with sight hounds in the U.S.A., “Gaze Hounds”, by Dutch salmon, is excellent and self published. His other books on fishing and hunting are very good and self published. He’s a fine writer.
In my part of the world, we have Death Valley Jim, with titles like, ” Secret Places in the Mojave Desert ” and “Secret Places in Joshua Tree”, both self published and he does well. These are really great works.
I wrote a book that garnered a major book publisher, but I had an agent. She protected me and insisted that they leave my “style” alone. Hell, I didn't even know I had a style. Writing the book was the easy part. Going back over it 3 times was a hard job, but” The Songwriters Survival Guide to Success ” was at last done. My friend Christopher Nyerges made several suggestions that were a huge help.
Think you are too old to write a book? I never wrote a book in my life, many articles for “Wilderness Way” magazine but that was it, over three hundred of them. When I wrote the book I was 72, no more excuses.
I believe the evidence of really fine books that have been self published cannot be denied. My point is don't be waved off just because they are self published but do your homework. Plenty of info on the books is on the net and friends might have a solid opinion as well. If you are thinking of self publishing, try to be your worst and best critic. Be direct and succinct. If you have to fact check, do so. If you are wrong, fix it. Don’t let your ego say it is okay. Word of mouth is still alive and well. You most likely won't get rich, but you could put a few bucks in your pocket. And you never know where it may lead you. Many of you have unique points of view on the subject of survival and carry deep knowledge in your experience.
Now get to it!
By Dude McLean

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1 comment:

  1. and you cannot tell a book by its cover or even who wrote it..

