Friday, June 5, 2015

Silence of the Feral Woodsman, Chapter 14 of 18

For about 99% of human history/life, we have been “wild”. We were domesticated just like any other critter. In the case of humans today, we are domesticated by our parents, but buried deep in our DNA is a wild personality. It is embedded in us with a feral memory that is suppressed at very turn.
What we are fed is a pale life of normal behavior and you do not dare to break from this norm. History depicts the cave men as brutes always living in fear, at least that is the Hollywood version in countless bad films. Anyone who has spent any time in the outdoors, slept under the stars, have felt a yearning to be able to stay. That is your DNA speaking and reaching out to you. It gets smothered by a house payment, a car and all that society demands of us. In an everyday onslaught, we trudge back into that life.
The silence of the Feral Woodsman is a deafening roar raging within us, often showing itself as frustration and a general feeling that we have missed something in life. We have missed something, and that is our “wild” side, the essence of “man”, a vital essence dominated by our current society. In order to break those chains, we must realize what the call is and recognize the images it conjures up.
We begin by practicing the art and craft of the Feral Woodsman, the skills involved that will maintain a gratifying and complete lifestyle, the throwback to the wild pioneers who were our ancestors. A thought occurs to me that if the hunter gatherers had not been successful and not had children, we would not be here.
By using a cliché, we have a need to connect with the earth, to understand it and be a true part of it. Treating our life as art is a great beginning for a Feral Woodsman. Take the time by training yourself the crafts that are needed for a hunter gatherer life.
Banishing oneself from most of what we have been deluded by will not be an easy transition, as we have discussed in past articles.
I met Lynx a few times at Wintercount only a hello really , she has a school for want of another word that can help you on your way. I do know she is very good at primitive living, a true Feral lifestyle. Might just be your introduction and showing you it can work. Search, living in the wild, for many examples of the Feral Woodsman’s life.
The silence of the Feral life, living inside of us, can be fueled by information and doing small tentative tryouts, in the wild places . At some point, the Feral Woodsman wont be so silent and you will have to pay attention on a level that drives you to earn the skills required. Without those skills, one is doomed to fail.
Life, I believe, is an art you can refine in no finer place than the wild. A simple thing of going into a remote area and listening to what is around you, seeing the wild place with a different eye, like it is your home, can be truly rewarding. We are not here to fight nature or take over but to blend and be a part of the wild place.Those who think we must conquer anything are on the wrong track. Our fear and ignorance is what we need to conquer, in order to fit in our slot in the wild. A true hunter gatherer in the classic sense.
Our lives have been mapped before we were born, so we have to be able to travel to uncharted worlds , Beware the dragons, and let be the Feral Woodsman roam into those wild places. We discussed some of the easy transitions in past articles, as well. In truth, it really wont be so easy but it is very doable with the many options we have covered.
Let the Feral Woodsman, in your DNA, have a chance. Release him to the world that your life has never known.

By Dude McLean

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