Friday, April 24, 2020


Ancient whispers in nature most of us never hear, mostly we are not listening or we don't know how .

I think its a skill many have lost or in our our lifetimes never had and were not ever aware of in the first place.

Our DNA  knows the ancient whispers, sometimes peeking through for a short time but does anyone have a clue.

Aboriginal peoples are very aware of the ancient whispers that come out of the shadows.

As many readers here know, i'm always exploring how modern humans can reach back and wake-up their wild side .

Lurking in the shadows the ancient whispers are trying to wake us up . I feel its a shame that at some point of our lives we fail to discover the wild us ,even if its just a sliver or a glimpse of what our DNA  has stored in some hidden place in our primitive brain. The richness that waits for us to discover cant wait to deliver the wildness
factor into our lives, creating the human who lives aware of what they really are, a true wild critter attuned to the natural world as we were meant to be. A fairy tale, maybe but I know way too many who have found themselves living just as close to being a natural human as is possible in a modern world without going feral, well maybe feral on weekends and for most that is a wondrous goal just knowing they have awakened the deep DNA we all have buried inside. And I don't mean some wildeyed nutjob we already have enough of those in politics. 

Freedom, yes it is true freedom we have and it makes for a better life, a completeness that many of us were lacking, I feel I'm slipping into a lecture attitude and that is far from what I'm trying to convey, so i'm going to end this article now, with I hope I didn't scare you away ....  

By Dude McLean

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