Friday, April 24, 2020


   When the day comes that Google crashes and the internet goes dark. The computers don't have anything and the cell phones won't and can't work do you have a plan and or the skills and wherewithall to get by . Will you be able to communicate with loved ones and friends or will you just sit in the dark helpless and cry. Might not be as far fetched as one might think. My feeling is it will happen in whats left of my lifetime and I'm pretty old so that means sooner than later. Oh I know some will be ready and some think they are ready but the reality of such an event is very daunting even for those who are ready much less for some who will have no clue. The no clue side is in for a rough time .

  Some will think ham radios might help but not if the repeater towers  are down. oh yes most have solar and batteries as a backup but how long will the batteries last . By the way how many of you have a ham radio or even know of anyone who has one and do you think they will let you send a message for free and just who are they
sending the message to and who will deliver said message. Most alternative forms of  communication will be by drums and runners if they are not attacked along the way  The beat of drums is a sad joke not much better than smoke signals. Im being a bit flip here but this wont be very funny . 

  If one has studied some primitive skills and owns some of those skills you will be at the least in the I might have a chance margin but even hard core practitioners will have a hard time of it. Older codgers like me really wont last all that long without help oh I own the skills but the energy level is limited. Most older folks take  meds and many without those meds will die . A harsh but a true statement. I just hope that I would have the time to pass on some of the knowledge to my loved ones so that they might maybe stand a chance in a new low tech world. 

  Well ya know I  might be wrong been wrong many times but my studies point to the down side rather than the up or positive side. hope luck is with you. Perhaps you have stocked up on some food items and other gear  that will help for a while but not for all that long. Gee isn't this fun.  

by Dude  McLean

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