Monday, June 1, 2015

It’s In The Book

It’s In The Book

Books are wonderful things. We can learn a lot from them. I know I have spent many hours reading just for enjoyment. Fiction, and non-fiction, and in the process learning from both. Laughing out loud while reading a book is a mark of a really well done book, for instance. A book that is a true page turner is a treasure to experience.
Let's look at books about self-reliance and the outdoor skills. I know of many folks who have a ton of books, I have a few tons of books myself. As a passive hobby I collect first editions from a few chosen fields or genres. I have books about books, collecting and preserving books, how to, of collecting and so forth. Unlike many who collect books I read all of these books. An example are my books about dogs. Not just dogs in general but about the “sighthounds” and the “working terriers”. I collect these books far and wide, from other countries and I prowl used book stores for them. Few and far between. Not something you can do every day but it is more of a casual looking for.
The self-reliance and survival related books are something I look for all the time. Into this slot falls many books, gardening books, raising live stock, or as I call it small stock, Am not into the cows etc. Anything that would have information on being self-reliant , in truth that slot covers a very wide range of subjects. Old school is sometimes better and sometimes not. How do you know? Well one way the books are helpful is, for those who have a deeper interest, they actually get up off their butts and try out some of these “skills” . Old school will prove out or not, it is that easy.
We have the worn out term ” an arm chair survivalist”, well they really do exist, we have seen them when once in a blue moon they step into the outdoors and make an attempt at something they have read about. Then we have the folks that really get out and try the skills. Might take more of an effort, some feel funny getting out in their part of the woods and trying something they have never done.
All the reading in the world will only take you so far. Without getting out and really doing these skills and learning every nuance you can, by paying attention to details and not caving in to shortcuts (that do not really exist), you can learn by doing, in many cases thanks to a book.
Different books by different writers sometimes seem to contradict each other. Not really, they just take a different angle, you learn from those slight differences or points of view, it is really an option for the discerning reader to think a little deeper. And then trying the difference. You get make up your own mind.
Here at, Dirttime, we talk about the need to “own the skills”, you own those skills by getting out and doing them, not just reading, and having hot tea and cookies served to you by your underpaid servants. Ahem.
Books offer  options, it is your option to just enjoy the read, you really do not have to do anything else. The other option is to take up the authors, “dare” , if you will, and get yourself up and out trying some of the trailcraft, and campcraft, you have been reading about. Yes, it is a kind of a dare if you think about it. Most would never have picked up the outdoor book in the first place if they didn't have an interest. However, it can be a bit overwhelming to the greenhorn and even to those who think they have some degree of skills in the outdoors.
The line is in the sand, easy to step over, and join the thousands who have and made the effort , sometimes with pain and expense, giving up that cozy warm room for the cold wind outside. Brrrr…Inaction is far easier than action.
I have been doing this for long in my life that much of it just kind rolls off my back but we all bitch about the weather, that's okay, that just means you are doing it and by doing you are on your way to “owning the skills” .
You learn one thing here and another there. Soon they begin to pile up, and , wow , “Dirtcraft”, and owning the skills is right there in your hands. All because you read about it in a book that in turn kicked you out of the back door, and slapped you in the face with nature and you fell for it. In a manner of speaking the internet and forums like Dirttime are really  books. Nothing I know of takes the place of “owning the skills” when you are on your own in the Dirt.
Reading alone is fine. Reading and learning and setting into motion the knowledge is a gift handed down to us by those who decided to share their own hard earned know how. Read a book today  to reread a book. You are the answer to your own test.
By Dude McLean

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  1. Hey, Dude. Been reading through your Blog posts. Lots of interesting thoughts and good info. Jeff K.

  2. Thanks Jeff glad you found it interesting.. glad you found your way here..

    regards my friend Dude
