Friday, June 5, 2015

Real Life Feral Woodsmen, Chapter 13 of 18

How many of you have been on a vacation and said to yourself, “I could just stay here. Shuck it all and opt out for a wilder side of life, live like I feel I would like in the wilderness. living as much as possible off the bounty of the land.” Mostly, we never do that. However, way more people have done it and more giving in to that call everyday.
Daniel Suelo has lived without money for over a decade hiding in the Arches National park, living in caves and nooks and crannys of the area. He says it is against the law to live like this, but has defied all that it stands for. He was busted by a BLM ranger and cited 125 bucks. He didn’t respond, just moved to another better hidden location in a hard to get to nook. The ranger was conflicted, because Suelo was not harming a thing, some light foraging and hunting and fishing was all. “Suelo” means ground in Spanish and is not his real name. He rode to court with the ranger and stood in front of the judge… They gave him 20 days to volunteer at a shelter he already volunteered at, so it was like brer’ rabbit being told he has to spend time in the brier patch. He does house sit for food and barters. Most nights are spent outside. He also has a book about “The Man who Quit Money”.
Ben Fogle has tracked many who have gone wild and has a TV series. One of the men he found is David Glasher, 69, who left it all behind. He was a business man who lost his 6 million in the stock crash of 1987. He lost his house, cars, and wife. With what little he had left, he bought a small parcel of a tropical sand on Restoration island, off the north east coast of Australia. He was a typical over weight biz guy. Now he is fit and trim and feels great. Today he sports a big white beard, wears only a leather thong and wanders the island with his dog. His only steady company is a female mannequin named Miranda, propped up in his living room chair. He says she is bit worn and is missing an arm but she is quiet.
He gets up at sunrise for his many chores, like line fishing and collecting rain water. He collects rock oysters and makes a homemade brew he trades for coral trout and mackerel. He says he will never go back and likes living in the “beyond” and says he’s way smarter than ever.
If more than one boat is here, I feel it is getting too crowded. He would like to think some woman will come along to share his paradise—out of the billions of women one should be out there.
Another of Ben Fogle’s finds is John Wells. He built a place deep in the badlands of Texas, after moving from New York. He has a solar shower, a tiny bedroom with a swamp cooler and a green house for his veggies. He was a fashion photographer. He sold his holdings in New York and dove into the life of solitude. This area seems to attract romantics, nomads, wasters, and doomsday preppers. He fits in well, because he likes guns. His only company is a slightly crazy rooster.
As Fogle says, “These last two seem to epitomize the single white male desire to have a life in the wild”
Ben Fogle’s new series will debut April 22nd… You can Google Ben Fogle for many other stories
Feels a lot like the Feral Woods man is lurking in the shadows. I can cite many more not only from personal contact but by searching the internet. They are out there.
By Dude McLean

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